Sabtu, 27 April 2019

Tugas Soft Skill 2 Bahasa Inggris (Subject-Verb Agreement)

Subject-Verb Agreement

Ø  Pengertian

     Subject-verb agreement adalah persesuaian antara verb (kata kerja) dengan subject kalimat dalam hal number, yaitu: singular (tunggal) atau plural (jamak).

     Subjek dapat berupa noun (kata benda), pronoun (kata ganti), atau konstruksi lain yang berakting sebagai noun, seperti gerund dan infinitive. Pada dasarnya, singular subject (subjek tunggal) menggunakan singular verb (kata kerja tunggal), sedangkan plural subject (subjek jamak) menggunakan plural verb (kata kerja jamak).

     Secara umum pada bentuk simple present tense, singular verb berupa base form / bare infinitive (bentuk dasar dari verb) dengan ditambahkan ending (akhiran) -s/-es. Adapun pada plural verb tanpa ditambahkan ending -s/-es (sebaliknya, plural subjectditambahkan ending -s/-es). Aturan kata kerja ini berlaku pula pada subjek berupa third person (orang ketiga, contoh: Ricky, Anna) dan semua personal pronoun (they, we= jamak; he, she, it= tunggal), kecuali I dan you. Walaupun berupa subjek tunggal, I dan you dipasangkan dengan kata kerja bentuk jamak.

Ø  Singular Verb

     Singular verb dibentuk dari kata dasar (verb dasar) dan  ditambah dengan akhiran s. Hal tersebut berlaku pada orag ketiga tunggal dalam bahasa inggris.
Contoh :
·        my father brings me a present (ayahku membawakan ku sebuah hadiah)
·        she buys me a chocolate (dia membelikan aku sebuah coklat)

Ø  Plural Verb

     Plural verb tak perlu ditambah dengan s pada verb nya, sebaliknya jika pada plural subject nya maka ditambah dengan s. plural subject

Ø 7 Aturan Subject-Verb Agreement

Aturan 1
Dua singular subjects yang dihubungkan dengan kata or atau nor membutuhkan singular verb, contoh:
  • My father or my my mother is visiting your house.
  • Neither Danny nor Siska does not want to work with me.
Aturan 2
Gunakan plural verb untuk singular project yang dihubungkan ke plural subject menggunakan or atau nor.
  • The president or the armies are available to defend for our country.
Aturan 3
Gunakan plural verb untuk dua subjek atau lebih ketika mereka dihubungkan dengan conjunction ‘and’.
  • A pen and a pencils are the tools to write.
Aturan 4
Gunakan singular verb untuk pronoun seperti each, everyone, every one, everybody, anyone, anybody, someone, dan somebody.
  • Each of the boys runs
Aturan 5
Frase ‘the number’ yang berarti jumlah, diikuti oleh singular verb. Sementara kata ‘a number’ yang berarti sejumlah diikuti oleh plural verb.
  • The number of people that submit work application to us has been enough.
  • A number of kids come to my shop and buy ice cream
Aturan 6
Bila kata neither dan either menjadi subjek dalam kalimat, maka gunakan singular verb.
  • Neither of us is capable to write a good essay.
  • Either of us is able to speak English.
Aturan 7
Kata whowhich, dan that biasanya diletakkan di tengah kalimat. Kata kerja setelah whowhich, dan that menggunakan kata kerja yang bergantung pada kata yang dideskripsikan. Ketika kata tersebut singular, maka gunakan singular verb, namun ketika kata tersebut adalah plural, maka gunakan plural verb.
  • Rizal is the teacher who is loved by all his students.

Subject-verb agreement akan menjadi sangat membingungkan apabila dihadapkan pada bentuk collective noun, compound subject da juga indefinite pronoun.
Contoh :
  • The class is doing the task (para aggota kelas sedang mengerjakan tes bersama-sama)
  • The class are doing the task (para anggota kelas sedang mengerjakan tugas masing-masing )

Ø Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement

subject= bold; verb= italic

Contoh Kalimat Subject-Verb Agreement
The sun rises.
(Matahari terbit.) 
singular subject, singular verb
The stars shine.
(Bintang bersinar.) 
plural subject, plural verb
Leo rarely eats white bread.
(Leo jarang makan roti putih.) 
singular subject, plural subject
You go straight ahead then turn left.
(Kamu jalan lurus ke depan lalu belok kiri.) 
singular/plural subject, plural verb
My boss always comes on time.
(Bos saya selalu datang tepat waktu.) 
singular subject, singular verb
They like eating out.
(Mereka suka makan diluar.) 
plural subject, plural verb
Ricky is smart.
(Ricky pintar.) 
verb to be
The children are naughty.
(Anak-anak itu nakal.) 
verb to be
I am hungry.
(Saya lapar.) 
verb to be
She drove fast.
(Dia mengebut.) 

Sumber :

v Jawaban Soal yang diberikan di Modul

Answer :

1.      John along with twenty friends,(are) planning a party.
2.      The picture of the soldiers (brings) back many memories.
3.      The quality of these recordings (are) not very good.
4.      If the duties of these officers (aren't) reduced,there will not be enough time to finish the project
5.      The effects of cigarette smoking (have) been proven to be extremely harmful.
6.      The use of credit cards in place of cash (has) increased rapidly in recent years.
7.      Adverstisements on television (are) becoming more competitive than ever before.
8.      Living expenses in this country,as well as in many others,(are) at an all-time high.
9.      Mr.Jones,accompanied by several members of the committee,(has) proposed some changes of rules.
10. The levels of intoxication (varies) from subject to subject
Continue reading Tugas Soft Skill 2 Bahasa Inggris (Subject-Verb Agreement)

Jumat, 29 Maret 2019

vacation in a special area of Yogyakarta (DIY)

vacation in a special area of Yogyakarta

Once upon a time , precisely between the midterms I spoiled my mind because many tasks must be completed as students , So I decided to take a vacation to the area of Yogyakarta where everything was from the beauty of the scenery and beaches to the history of buildings in ancient times.

At that time, precisely on the 27th at 16.00 I left for a vacation using a private vehicle and raindrops that accompanied the trip. Previously, I left 2 people with the driver to pick up my friend, whose house was far away, took up to 2 hours. Long story short, I've arrived at my friend's place, it didn't take long because the day was getting late, we immediately packed up and left, heading back to our destination for vacation. On the way we talked for a while then went to bed because the body began to weaken which brought us sleepiness so that tomorrow could be refreshed.

Not felt, at 05.00 we arrived in Yogyakarta and stopped at the mosque to perform the morning prayer and the weather had also improved. When finished, we rushed to one of the beach tours in the special area of Yogyakarta (DIY), At first we were confused where to go to the beach because there are so many beaches in this area (Yogyakarta), after a few minutes of fighting, we finally decided to go to the Bantul area of Yogyakarta, precisely the beach of Watu Kodok.


(Watu Kodok beach 0.0)

Shortly after arriving at the destination (Watu Kodok beach) at 08.00 due to a long journey from town to coast we immediately rushed out of the car to enjoy the beautiful beaches lined with sand and waves hitting the hills. I am very happy with my friends to be able to play together because it is very rare to gather because of each other's busy life. It was not felt because I played until I forgot the time that had shown at 11:30 so we finished playing then immediately changed clothes and cleaned the body in the dressing room.


 (Watu Kodok 0.1)

During the afternoon at 12:30 after the midday prayer our stomachs growled which finally we decided to eat lunch at one of the restaurants on the roadside, the food there tastes good that spoils our tongue to enjoy it. after the stomach feels full we return to the car to continue the trip on vacation.

The journey continues to one of the places that must be visited by local or foreign tourists while on holiday to Yogyakarta, name is the Malioboro market. In this place (Malioboro market) itself, there are lots of snacks and by clothing that can be bought at varied prices.

Characteristic feature in this market (Malioboro) is entertainment that attracts the attention of people, name is Calung / Anglung, There are many people who like it and there are also those who dance along with the songs from the angklung.

Thank you Yogyakarta for all the beauty and hospitality that it has in it that makes us not bored to come to him again.

That is all and thank you :-).

Continue reading vacation in a special area of Yogyakarta (DIY)